About the Artwork Antonio Tarsis

Antonio Tarsis

Antonio Tarsis is a self-taught Brazilian artist born in 1995 in Salvador, Brazil. His work is deeply informed by his experiences growing up in a favela, where he witnessed and experienced firsthand the violence and oppression faced by Black youth in Brazil.

Tarsis works in a variety of mediums, including painting, installation, and embroidery. He often uses found materials and objects in his work, drawing on the rich cultural traditions and history of Brazil's favelas. For example, he creates intricate embroidered works that incorporate imagery and symbols from Brazil's public security services, commenting on the systemic violence and oppression faced by Black people in the country.

Through his work, Tarsis seeks to expose and challenge the systemic violence and oppression faced by Black people in Brazil. He believes that art can be a powerful tool for social change, and he continues to use his platform as an artist to bring attention to issues of social justice and inequality.

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