Frederic Geurts

Frederic Geurts has gained prominence for his installations that seamlessly combine monumentality with fragility, delving into the realm of gravity and the material essence of his creations. 

Biography of Frederic Geurts

Born in 1965 in Wilrijk, the artist currently resides and operates from Antwerp, Belgium.

Geurts' installations enrich public spaces across various locations in Belgium. His artistic journey began with his inaugural exhibition, "Alom en Hiernevens," hosted at the Zwartzusters retirement home in Leuven in 1997. His most recent presentation was "About Architecture" at Galerie Kajetan in Berlin in 2022.

While the artist primarily showcases his work in Belgium, his artistic influence also extends to Germany, the United Kingdom, and various other international destinations. Over the past quarter-century, his exhibition history encompasses approximately five solo exhibitions and over twenty-five group exhibitions. Geurts' engagement has further encompassed participation in several art fairs and a biennial.

Frederic Geurts' art style

A recurring theme in Geurts' art is the interplay with the surroundings, where the boundary between the artwork and its environment becomes blurred. This immersive approach positions the viewer within the artwork, enabling a comprehensive engagement.

His smaller-scale pieces exude a more self-contained nature, reminiscent of thinking exercises. These works also underscore the significance of equilibrium and balance. As he delves into the physical boundaries of his constructions, Geurts also contemplates whether a spatial creation can equal the quality of a sketch:

- searching, doubting and starting over typifies us as human beings and as artists. It says something about our fallibility and vulnerability.
Frederic Geurts for Valerie Traan Gallery
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  • Years:

    Born in 1965

  • Country:

    Belgium, Antwerp