Michael Reiter

Michael Reiter, a German contemporary painter, was born in Munich in 1952. His artistic journey commenced at the Blochererschule für freie und angewandte Kunst in Munich, where he studied from 1971 to 1977. He further pursued his artistic education at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nuremberg from 1978 to 1981, studying under the guidance of Prof. Ernst Weil.

Michael Reiter's artwork was featured in a series of group exhibitions, including "Implicit Movement" at Sofie Van de Velde in Antwerp, Belgium (2020), "Memento Mori" at Daniel Marzona in Berlin, Germany (2019), "Backstage - die Rückseite" at Thomas Rehbein Galerie in Cologne, Germany (2018), "Backstage: Die Rückseite - The Rear Side" at Sofie Van de Velde in Antwerp, Belgium (2017), "Thank you, goodbye" at Galerie Martina Detterer in Frankfurt, Germany (2016), "Kleine Formate" at Galerie Martina Detterer in Frankfurt, Germany (2015), "Reduzieren" at Daniel Marzona in Berlin, Germany (2015), and "Schwarz" at Thomas Rehbein Galerie in Cologne, Germany (2014).

Currently, the artist resides and сontinues to work in Frankfurt am Main. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1952

  • Country:

    Germany, Munich