Frank Haines

Frank Haines is a contemporary artist known for his multidisciplinary approach, which includes painting, sculpture, performance, and video. Born in 1939 in Detroit, Michigan, Haines currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Haines's work explores the intersections between visual art, music, and performance, and often incorporates elements of punk and DIY culture. His paintings and sculptures are characterized by their use of bold colors, graphic patterns, and abstract forms, and often reference the history of modernist abstraction.

Haines has exhibited his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions, both nationally and internationally, including in New York, Los Angeles, Athens, and Berlin. In addition to his visual art practice, he is also a musician and performer, and has collaborated with numerous musicians and artists over the years.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1973

  • Country:

    United States of America, Brooklyn, NY