About the Artwork Bnf   Portrait D'eugène Atget   1890   001

Eugène Atget

Eugène Atget was a French photographer known for his images of Paris and its surroundings. Atget started his career as a painter and stage actor before turning to photography in the late 1880s. He began photographing the streets, buildings, and people of Paris, as well as its parks, gardens, and other urban landscapes.

Atget's photographic style was characterized by his use of large-format cameras and a careful attention to detail. He was known for his ability to capture the atmosphere and mood of the city, as well as its changing urban landscape. Many of his photographs show the effects of time and decay, and they provide a unique insight into the city's history and culture.

Despite his prolific output and influence on later photographers, Atget remained relatively unknown during his lifetime. His work was discovered and appreciated by later generations of photographers and artists, who recognized its importance and began to collect and exhibit his photographs.

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