About the Artwork Emir Sehanovic.png

Emir Šehanović

Emir Šehanović is a contemporary artist who was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1981 and currently resides in Belgrade, Serbia. He has exhibited his work in solo and group shows at a number of prestigious venues around the world.

In 2018, Šehanović exhibited his work at Jeune Création at Les Beaux Arts de Paris, AQB Project Space in Budapest, and Ultrastudio in Los Angeles. In addition, he has participated in Gallery Weekend Berlin in 2015 and the Athens Video Art Festival in 2013.

Šehanović has also participated in several international art fairs, including Liste Art Fair in 2015, Parallel Vienna, ArtGeneve in 2018, and Vienna Contemporary and ArtGeneve in 2019.

Recently, Šehanović was selected to be part of the publication 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow, which was published by Thames and Hudson. This book features the work of 100 of the most promising up-and-coming sculptors from around the world. It is a great honor for Šehanović to be included in this prestigious publication.

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