
:mentalKLINIK is a duo of artists consisting of Yasemin Baydar and Birol Demir, who have been collaborating since 1998. Originally from Istanbul, they are currently based in Brussels. Their work is characterized by a multimedia, conceptual approach that aims to reveal the invisible political strategies and dynamics of contemporary society. Despite tackling serious and weighty topics, their work often incorporates playful and humorous elements that utilize the visual language of glamor, rock, and post-punk culture.

Using a variety of materials such as neon lights, slogans, mirror balls, and confetti, :mentalKLINIK creates sensory environments that explore the relationship between true and false, artificial and superficial, and the boundary between the two. Their work is experimental and has been showcased in numerous international exhibitions, including the Bitter Medicine series curated by Carl de Smet and Necmi Sonmez, FreshCut curated by Marlies Wirth, and Co-operation Would be Highly Appreciated curated by Storm Janse van Rensburg. They have also participated in exhibitions such as Istanbul Modern-Rotterdam at the Boijmans van Beuningen Museum, the Izmir Triennial of Contemporary Art, and Tomorrow, Now at the MUDAM in Luxembourg.

:mentalKLINIK's work has been critically acclaimed, with two major solo exhibitions at Galerist, Istanbul titled That's Fucking Awesome curated by Jerome Sans and rABBIThOLE, and a solo show at Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde titled Thank You For Your Cooperation. They also had a solo exhibition titled Catastrophically Gorgeous at Eugster II Belgrade in 2018, curated by Yasmina Reggad. Their work challenges viewers to consider the hidden complexities of contemporary society in a visually engaging and playful way.

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