About the Artwork Img 5269 1.jpg

Ivana Ivković

Ivana Ivković is a contemporary artist from Belgrade whose work centers around personal history, identity, and gendered experience. Her nomadic lifestyle and exposure to different cultural surroundings have influenced her work, which often involves real and invented memories. Ivković's approach is frank and intensely private, and she has gained recognition for her self-reflexive style.

One of the most striking aspects of Ivković's work is the way she subverts traditional gender roles in art. She frequently uses the naked or semi-naked male body as a performative instrument in her pieces, creating orchestrated scenes or tableau vivant. This unexpected use of the male body challenges classical notions of male and female representation in art, and brings a fresh perspective to the field.

Ivković has exhibited her work at numerous institutions and events around the world, including the Humboldt Forum in Berlin, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, and the Biennale Internazionale Donna in Trieste. Her work has also been shown at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna, the History Museum of Bosnia in Sarajevo, and the National Museum of Montenegro, among other places. Ivković's innovative approach to gender and identity in art has made her a notable figure in the contemporary art world.

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