About the Artwork

Elizabeth Roman

Elizabeth Roman is a contemporary artist and activist. Her work reflects on issues such as injustice social, human rights, non-violence, and environmental apathy.

Unleashing Urban Perspectives: A Visionary Artist's Journey for Social and Political Change  

Born in the universe of urban art, Elizabeth Roman dreams of using her creative talents with a commitment to social and political change. Through her provocative works, she wants to address issues, challenge power structures, and advocate for justice. Captivated by this form of art, which often serves as a powerful tool for dissent, she utilizes visual impact to rally support and raise awareness about systemic problems.

Having evolved in the urban art world for several years, she speaks her mind through her artworks with a controversial and provoking context of society and a social and political message. Since the beginning, she has found inspiration in the street world, embracing the urban culture that is not included in the traditional world of art and is not submitted to any academic concept.

Voluntarily distancing herself from art theories and academic discourses, she accepts art as a part of our culture but feels disheartened because contemporary art has lost a link with the social environment. Even though her art is strongly influenced by urban art, she shapes her artistic path as an activist artist. Her artistic journey can also be associated with the Guerrilla art world, as from a very young age, her artistic creations aimed to challenge racism, sexism, authoritarian regimes, or war.

I have a dominator with all activists and urbanists around the world, which is a focus on political and social issues with the intent to change or influence public opinion by confronting people with an unjust or problematic status quo.
Elizabeth Roman

Elizabeth Roman applies a rogue approach to all her pieces, challenging traditional art norms and engaging the public in unexpected ways. She aims to bring art to unexpected places, spark conversations, and disrupt the routine of everyday life. Speaking without words, she uses her paintings to challenge norms and provoke thought. Her dream is to serve as a visual catalyst for social change, using creativity to amplify voices that might otherwise go unheard. Through her paintings, she seeks to inspire dialogue and provoke questions about society and the world.

Following her artistic path, she wants to promote social issues, challenge societal perceptions, and embrace diversity, fostering understanding and empathy. With vibrant colors, she advocates for inclusivity and acceptance, using her work to reshape the narrative around mutism and promote a more compassionate world.

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