About the Artwork


Babu: Nurturing Roots in Malanje, Angola

Babu was born on April 25th, 1974, in Malanje, Angola. His early life laid the foundation for a journey deeply rooted in the cultural and historical tapestry of his birthplace.

Babu's educational path led him to study Industrial Design at the Manato Training and Technology Center in Luanda. Furthering his artistic pursuits, he delved into visual communication media during his time in Portugal. The Museums in the Center Project in Coimbra played a pivotal role in shaping his artistic perspective, sparking the creation of his ongoing research project, "Memory and Identity." This initiative critically reflects on Africa's history, challenging established dichotomies between center and periphery, colonist and colonized.

"Memory and Identity" is a continuous artistic endeavor, a perpetual construction driven by Babu's profound need to question and reflect on the core aspects of human existence. This work navigates the complex interplay between an ancestral past and contemporary Africa, emphasizing the essential nature of identity affirmation.

Babu's Art Style: Bridging Borders and Embracing Transformation

Babu's artistic prowess transcends borders, with participation in numerous individual and group exhibitions and artistic residencies across various countries. His creations have found a home in public and private collections in Angola and beyond.

In a unique artistic exploration, Babu drew inspiration from an artistic residency at Casa das Artes in Coimbra, developing works referencing Cassiano Branco, a significant Portuguese architect of the 20th century. This exhibition served as a platform to interconnect his overarching interests in "Memory and Identity" with the ACERTO! project, fostering a dialogue between Africa and Europe.

Beyond the canvas, Babu reflects on the broader roles of artists and architects as agents of transformation. Drawing parallels between his own artistic journey and the complexities faced by Cassiano Branco, he emphasizes the architect's political affiliations and the resulting discomfort with the regime.

In essence, Babu's artistic journey is a testament to his commitment to unraveling the layers of memory and identity, bridging the past and the present. Through his work, he invites viewers into a profound dialogue about history, culture, and the transformative power of art.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1974

  • Country:

    Angola, Malanje

  • Social