David Panos

David Panos creates videos, objects, exhibitions, and music. He is perhaps best known for his artistic partnership with Anja Kirschner.

Biography of David Panos

David Panos was born in Athens, Greece, in 1971. Currently, he lives and works in London, UK.

He has received several grants and awards, including:

  • Arts Council England Grant for the Arts for "The London Particular" (2003);
  • LAFVA Award for the production of "Trail of the Spider" (2007);
  • FLAMIN Productions award for "The Empty Plan" (2009);
  • Jarman Award (together with Anja Kirschner, 2011).

His solo exhibitions have been held at various venues, including Hollybush Gardens in London, Pumphouse Gallery in London, Albert Baronian in Brussels, BASCO in Bergamo, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein in Berlin, Kunsthall Oslo in Oslo, and Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow.

Additionally, David Panos' works have been featured in numerous group shows, including "Sculpture on Screen. The Very Impress of the Object" at Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon (2017), "Nemocentric" at Charim Galerie in Vienna (2016), "Group Show" at Galeria Marta Cervera in Madrid (2015), and many more.

David Panos' Famous Works

Notable works created by the artist include "Dark Pool" (2014), "Green Goo Gallerte / Table of Gestures" (2014), "Les Fantômes" (2018), "Zero Strokes" (2018), among others. 

His work "Dark Pool" is an opaque financial trading platform where transactions remain hidden from the public. This video work employs digital compositing to create a veiled, dream-like realm, where intense human movements are embedded and intertwined with everyday objects.

"Les Fantômes" is a three-channel video. It presents three perspectives of an improvised choreography that evolved in response to a 3D volumetric video camera and a green screen process developed by the artist, which transforms human movements into fleshy, graph-like vectors.

David Panos' Art Style

David Panos collaborates with Anja Kirschner on intricate, conceptual projects that span multiple genres. Since the mid-2000s, the duo has used computer-generated imagery, video, and installation to explore how various technologies—such as motion capture, currency, and routinization—reshape our perceptions of the world, other people, popular culture, history, and literary tropes. They are especially focused on the nature of performance, the use of surrogates and actors, and the broader construction of narratives.

Panos' recent work explores the intersection of physicality, fetishism, and metaphysics. It builds on the themes of 'real abstraction' and the theatrics of the commodity form, as seen in his recent collaborative projects like "Ultimate Substance," which incorporated elements of philosophy, mathematics, and ritual.

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