Anja Kirschner

In her films and video installations, Anja Kirschner explores the phantasmatic and material aspects of media practices, examining their role in shaping knowledge and identities.

Biography of Anja Kirschner

Anja Kirschner was born in 1977 in Munich, Germany. She is currently a PhD candidate at the Royal College of Art in London, where she is exploring the concept of immersion through queer feminist and decolonial lenses.

She is known for her collaboration with David Panos. Their long-form films and installations blend references from popular culture, historical research, and literary tropes. Their work frequently involves amateurs, actors, and experts from various fields to construct speculative histories and elaborate fantasies that examine social realities and the relationship between art and class power.

Kirschner and Panos were the recipients of the Jarman Award in 2011, and their works have been extensively exhibited and screened worldwide. Their notable exhibitions include Tate Modern, Tate Britain, ICA, Chisenhale Gallery, Secession, Palais de Tokyo, Artists Space, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Kunsthall Oslo, and CCA Glasgow. Their work has also been featured in significant events such as the British Art Show 7, the 2012 Liverpool Biennial, and the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen.

Currently, Anja Kirschner resides and works in Berlin and London. 

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