Falke Pisano

Pisano's practice spans sculpture, installation, performance, video, and artist publications, creating exchanges between language, ideas, materials, and forms. Through this interdisciplinary approach, she explores and challenges how systems of thought are constructed, formalized, and eventually normalized.

Biography of Falke Pisano

Falke Pisano was born in 1978 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She served as the 2023 Superhost at MHKA in Antwerp. She has participated in prominent group exhibitions, including the Venice Biennale (2009) and Manifesta (2008), and has performed at venues such as Museo Reina Sofía (2012) and the 5th Berlin Biennale (2008).

During her artistic career, Pisano has received several awards, including:

  • Hiscox Art Award (2006);
  • Arbeitsstipendium Jurgen Ponto Stiftung (2007);
  • Flexibele werkbijdrage (2008);
  • Premio Heineken CA2M, Arco, Madrid (2012);
  • Prix de Rome (2013).

Her solo exhibitions have been held at various galleries and museums worldwide, including  Centre Pompidou-Metz, Hollybush Gardens in London, Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía in Cordoba, REDCAT in Los Angeles, Videoteca GAM in Torino, Transmission Gallery in Glasgow, Croy-Nielsen in Berlin, and many more.

Additionally, Falke Pisano's works have been featured in numerous group shows, including "A Slippery Slope" at Garage Rotterdam (2021), "Beyond Measure" at Trondheim Kunstmuseum (2020), "Resist: Be Modern (Again)" at John Hansard Gallery in Southampton (2019), among others. 

Currently, the artist lives and works in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Falke Pisano's Famous Works

Notable works include "The Body in Crisis (Housing, Treating & Depicting)" (2012), "Instrument for a Spatial Conception of Repetition" (2013), "Changing Perspectives" (2015), "The Value in Mathematics" (2015), and many others. 

In the series "Figures of Speech" (2005-10), Pisano explored the nature of language and its connection to tangible objects by blending written texts, spoken words, and recorded statements with lectures and original monologues.

The artist's second cycle of works, "The Body in Crisis" (2011-), presents a series of propositions and inquiries that examine the body in crisis as a continuous and evolving event.

Falke Pisano's Art Style

Pisano's practice encompasses sculpture, installation, performance, video, and artist publications. She frequently engages in long-term research cycles that deeply explore specific subjects, challenging conventional knowledge frameworks through ongoing exchanges between language, ideas, materials, and forms. Her practice is deeply engaged with theoretical discourse in contemporary art, using her work to investigate the connections between objects, abstraction, language, and performance.

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