Cate Giordano

Cate Giordano creates sculptures and videos and engages in performances. Their creations entail melodramatic narratives set within loosely constructed sculptural environments. Giordano explores the artifice of media and the omissions within reported history. They utilize the tension between objects and actors to challenge the inherent expectations of narrative structures.

Biography of Cate Giordano

Cate Giordano was born in 1986 in Pensacola, Florida, US. They completed studies at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, obtaining a BFA in Sculpture and Film/Video in 2008.

The artist was an artist-in-residence at Smack Mellon Studio in Brooklyn (2016-2017), Onassis Air in Athens (2019), and La Résidence/Le Tremblay at Galerie Christophe Gaillard in Orgères (2021).

Their solo exhibitions include "To the Spirits in the room" at Olivia Edwards Gallery in New York (2023), "The final wife and Rome" at Galerie Christophe Gaillard in Paris (2021), "Rex" at Postmasters Gallery in New York (2020), "After the fire is gone" at Microscope Gallery in New York (2017), and many more.

In 2019, the Margulies Collection at the Warehouse acquired their installation titled “After the Fire is Gone.”

Their work has been featured in publications such as The Believer, BOMB Magazine, Hyperallergic, San Francisco Art Quarterly, and Artnet.

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