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Beatrice Caracciolo

Beatrice Caracciolo, born in 1955 in São Paulo, Brazil and raised in Italy, is an artist who explores the boundaries of abstraction through her work. Her primary source material is often photographic images, which she both distills and disrupts. Caracciolo's drawings capture forms in motion, revealing frenzied and intertwined bodies. The surfaces of her work are marked with past pentimenti, suggesting additional depth and dimensionality. Caracciolo's artwork has been exhibited in solo shows at Gracie Mansion in New York, the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia, and the Château de Haroué in France, among others. Her work is also included in public collections such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, Yale University Art Gallery in New Haven, and the Accademia di Francia a Roma Villa Medici in Rome.

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