Ann Ray

 Ann Ray is a multifaceted creative known for her work as a photographer, artist, and filmmaker

Biography of Ann Ray

Ann Ray was born Anne Deniau in 1969 in Brest, France. Her journey into the world of visual arts began with a self-taught approach to photography, later complemented by studies at Central Saint Martins in London.

In 1995, Ray embarked on a transformative chapter by relocating to Tokyo, where she initiated her photographic career. Her early professional endeavors found her collaborating with esteemed names like Givenchy and Cartier, with her work prominently featured in Japanese publications such as Hi-Fashion, She, Marie-Claire, Spur, and The Seine. During her time in Japan, Ray immersed herself in the realm of textile art, conducting extensive photography sessions and interviews with artisans across Tokyo and Kyoto.

Transitioning to London, Ray forged connections within the fashion world, notably with the visionary designer Lee Alexander McQueen. Her move to Paris in 2001 marked a pivotal moment as she delved into the realm of performing arts photography, particularly with the Paris Opera. Over the years, her contributions to the Paris Opera encompassed a diverse array of projects.

In addition to her work within the realm of still photography, Ann Ray ventured into filmmaking, collaborating with esteemed figures such as Nicolas Le Riche and Benjamin Millepied. Her directorial projects included captivating films centered around performances at the Paris Opera and the New York City Ballet, showcasing her ability to translate movement and emotion onto the cinematic canvas.

Throughout her career, Ann Ray has authored several photographic books, each offering a unique perspective on her artistic vision and the subjects she captures. Titles such as "Nicolas Le Riche" (2008), "Mira Me" (2009), "24 Hours in a Man's Life" (2011), and "Love Looks Not With the Eyes" (2012) stand as testaments to her creative range and enduring impact in the world of visual arts.

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