Edie Monetti

Edie Monetti's artistic style is deeply rooted in her research into a history marked by standardization, ranging from catastrophic events to extremophiles and the singularity of extreme states.

Biography of Edie Monetti

Born in Munich in 1986, Edie Monetti currently resides and practices her art in Cologne, Germany. Graduating with special honors from the Academy of Arts in Munich under the tutelage of Prof. Günther Förg in 2015 marked the beginning of her artistic journey.

In recognition of her talent and promise, she was awarded the Antonia and Hermann Götz Grant for Emerging Artists in 2016, followed by the prestigious studio grant of the State, City Munich, in 2017. 

Edie's artistic exploration has taken her across continents, immersing herself in diverse cultures and landscapes. Her travels to Asia, Africa, South Pacific, South, Middle, and North America have enriched her perspective and influenced her work profoundly.

In 2016, she unveiled her inaugural solo exhibition titled "von Juni bis Frost," followed by her second solo showcase, "supernovaüberrest," in 2018, both hosted at the Sabine Knust Galerie in Munich. Additionally, her exhibition "Stars and Stripes" was featured at the Prince of Wales, Munich, in 2015, further solidifying her presence in the art scene.

Exploring Humanity and Brokenness: The Artistic Vision of Edie Monetti

In her "Sad Puppies" series, Monetti delves into the themes of thrownness and vulnerability inherent in human existence. Oscillating between pathos and kitsch, the creatures depicted—many of which are unique breeds and thus inherently flawed—exude an aura of untouchability and isolation. Monetti endeavors to channel the yearning to discover humanity within the animalistic, as well as the desire for closeness and connection, into the act of painting itself.

With her "O.M.A" (Otto Meyer-Amden) series, Monetti explores the painter's sense of fragmentation within his surroundings, manifested through a unique painterly expression.

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