
Arthur Segal

Arthur Segal (1875-1944) was a Romanian-born painter and printmaker who is associated with several modernist movements, including Expressionism, Futurism, and Cubism.

Segal studied art in Munich and Paris, where he was exposed to the latest trends in avant-garde art. He was a member of the Romanian avant-garde movement and helped found the avant-garde journal "Integral" in 1924.

Segal's early works were characterized by bold colors and expressive brushstrokes, reflecting his interest in Expressionism. He later embraced the principles of Futurism and Cubism, experimenting with fragmented forms and multiple perspectives in his paintings and prints.

Segal also developed an interest in photography and played an important role in the development of abstract photography. He used a variety of experimental techniques, including photograms and photomontage, to create dynamic compositions that emphasized the medium's inherent abstract qualities.

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