About the Artwork Vallotton Autoportrait

Félix Vallotton

Félix Vallotton was a Swiss-French painter and printmaker associated with the Post-Impressionist movement. He was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, and later moved to Paris, where he became involved with the Nabis, a group of artists who sought to create art that was more abstract and symbolic.

Vallotton is best known for his sharp, graphic style and his use of flat areas of color. His works often feature scenes of everyday life, such as people in cafes, on the beach, or in their homes, and he frequently used irony and humor in his depictions of bourgeois society.

In addition to his paintings, Vallotton was also a prolific printmaker, producing over 1700 woodcuts, lithographs, and etchings during his career. His prints were widely admired for their bold compositions and incisive social commentary.

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