About the Artwork A E1 B276 B E B2 C 41 D6 A27 D C570 A8 A83060

Anna Boghiguian

Anna Boghiguian (born Cairo), an Egyptian-Canadian artist of Armenian origin, is being celebrated in her first retrospective in the UK. Her art reflects a deep understanding of the human condition, exploring the intersection of the past and present, politics and poetry, and the joyful and critical aspects of modern life.

This captivating exhibition showcases Boghiguian's works in a variety of mediums, including large-scale installations of paintings on sailcloth and papier-mache sculptures, as well as intimate displays of her artist books and elements from her personal studio.

As a special feature of this exhibit, Boghiguian has created a brand new work, inspired by Cornwall's industrial history. It includes depictions of the people, processes, and materials that were involved in the region's mining and fishing industries.

Curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Director, and Marianna Vecellio, Curator of the Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Rivoli-Torino, in collaboration with Anne Barlow, Director of Tate St Ives, this immersive exhibition is not to be missed.

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