Angela Burton

Drawing inspiration from her mother and the rich cultural tapestry of the West APY Lands, Angela Burton uses her canvas to paint the stories of her country.

Biography of Angela Burton

Angela Burton was born in 1968 in Amata, Australia. Her artistic journey is deeply intertwined with her heritage, family, and the vibrant landscapes that shape her world.

Angela, a proud speaker of the Pitjantjatjara language, resides in Amata with her family, painting with a passion that echoes the artistic legacy passed down through generations. She is the daughter of Kunmanara Wawiriya Burton, a senior woman, and revered artist whose influence is palpable in Angela's work.

Angela  Burton collaborates on paintings within the Burton Women’s Collaborative alongside her family members, including Maureen Douglas, Beverly Burton, Nyanu Burton, Tanya Burton, and Cathy Burton. They continue the artistic legacy of their late matriarch, Wawiriya.

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