Emily Cullinan

Emily Cullinan, an esteemed senior woman and accomplished artist, practices her art at Iwantja Arts in Indulkana. Her vibrant paintings draw inspiration from her childhood memories, evoking the traditional life she shared with her parents and the numerous journeys they embarked upon.

Biography of Emily Cullinan

Emily Cullinan was born in 1952 near Mimili, on the APY Lands in South Australia, and her early years were steeped in the traditions of the Anangu people. Growing up, Emily and her family embraced a traditional Anangu lifestyle, characterized by constant travel, hunting, and the gathering of bush food. During this period, they had minimal interaction with non-Indigenous people.  

As cattle stations began to dot the landscape, Emily found employment in domestic service at Granite Downs Station. It was during her time at the stationmaster's house that she crossed paths with her future husband, a stockman from nearby Wallatina.

Subsequently, Emily, her husband, and their children established their home in Indulkana. In this new chapter, Emily Cullinan continued the legacy of her ancestral knowledge by imparting traditional skills such as hunting, identifying bush foods, and understanding water sources to her young family. 

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