About the Artwork Wbttmsfo2p5jtzozxk0z

Amber Andrews

Amber Andrews is a Belgian artist. Art has been an integral part of her life from a very young age, as she grew up surrounded by her uncle's artwork, attended his art openings, and spent cherished "crafts day" sessions with him and his wife, who is a sculptor. Throughout her childhood, Andrews's passion for drawing was evident. By the time she reached the age of 15, she realized that art was her true calling. Amber Andrews received her Master's Degree in Fine Arts Painting from the Royal Academy Of Fine Arts, Antwerp, in 2016

Now, as an established artist based in Antwerp, Amber Andrews continues to create remarkable pieces, fueled by the early inspiration and experiences that laid the groundwork for her artistic journey

Amber Andrews's Art Style

Andrews is a constantly evolving artist, embracing change as an essential aspect of her creative process. She never takes her work for granted and approaches each new painting as an opportunity to learn and develop. Over time, her art has consistently maintained a figurative undertone, which has become even more prominent in her recent works, assuming a leading role in her artistic expression.

Her daily life serves as a vast well of inspiration, with her home being a particularly significant source. The objects that surround her within the household play an important role in her imagery. Amber Andrews finds herself particularly drawn to this domestic aspect of art and draws inspiration from artists such as Édouard Vuillard, Félix Vallotton, and Édouard Manet, who skillfully depicted domestic scenes in their works.

Color holds a special allure for Andrews, and she is acutely sensitive to its impact on her art. She likes to register color combinations that she encounters in interiors or other paintings, envisioning how they could be incorporated into her own work.

Art History is a pivotal element in Amber Andrews's creative dialogue. While she draws inspiration and context from art history, the subjects she chooses to depict are the result of meticulous and focused research. She recognizes that history is a tapestry of enigmas, mysteries, and secrets waiting to be unraveled. While painting itself may involve creative imagination and fiction, the history that underlies it is undeniably real.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1994

  • Country:

    Belgium, Antwerp

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