About the Artwork Andrew Dadson
© Photo by Elizabeth Davey

Andrew Dadson

Andrew Dadson is a Canadian multidisciplinary artist who employs a variety of mediums including film, photography, installation, and painting. Born in White Rock, British Columbia in 1980, Dadson studied at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design and is currently based in Vancouver.

Dadson's art explores the intersection of the natural and built environments, questioning our relationship to the land and how we impact it through our actions. His works often incorporate elements of the surrounding landscape or architecture, creating site-specific installations that invite viewers to consider the space around them in a new and thought-provoking way.

His solo exhibitions include ‘Green Piece’ at Daniel Faria Gallery (Toronto, Canada), ‘SHADE’ at Galleria Franco Noero (Turin, Italy), ‘Off site: Andrew Dadson’ at Contemporary Art Gallery (New York, USA) and ‘MADE VISIBLE’ at RaebervonStenglin (Zürich, Switzerland), among others.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1980

  • Country:

    Canada, Vancouver