Acaye Kerunen

Acaye Kerunen is recognized not only as an artist but also as a storyteller, writer, actress, and activist.

Biography of Acaye Kerunen

Acaye Kerunen was born in Kampala, Uganda. She graduated from the Islamic University in Uganda, Mbale with a BSc in Mass Communication and earned a Diploma in Information Systems Management from Aptech.

In 2012, Vogue Italia recognized her as a notable social activist in Africa. Kerunen has also performed in plays and musical theatre, and her poetry and writing have been published both in Uganda and internationally.

Kerunen and Collin Sekajugo jointly represented Uganda at the 2022 Venice Biennale, leading to the Ugandan pavilion receiving the Special Mention award for best national participation. This marked Uganda's debut at the Venice Biennale, where Kerunen and Sekajugo collaborated on the work titled "Radiance – They Dream in Time."

Acaye Kerunen has exhibited her works widely on a national and global scale. Her recent solo exhibitions include "A NI EE (I AM HERE)" at Blum Gallery in Los Angeles (2023), "Sacred Rain" at RAM Galleri in Oslo (2023), "Acaye. E. Pamela Kerunen: Iwang Sawa" at Afriart Gallery in Kampala (2021), and many more. 

Additionally, Kerunen's works have been featured in group shows held at various galleries and museums, including Barbican Center in London and Ars Belga in Brussels. 

Currently, the artist lives and works in Kampala, Uganda. 

Acaye Kerunen's Art Style

Kerunen's art is deeply rooted in ongoing exploration of women's issues, addressing liberation, dismantling colonial and patriarchal structures, poverty, domestic violence, and women's quest to assert their artistic identity within oppressive systems. She is celebrated for her multidisciplinary practice spanning various media, performance, and advocacy.

The processes of deconstruction and reconstruction are fundamental to Kerunen’s artistic practice. She has pointed out that historically, African women’s artistry has been limited to utilitarian crafts such as weaving for practical items like mats and baskets, rather than purely for artistic expression. Kerunen collaborates closely with primary artisans, predominantly women, who specialize in weaving, dyeing, and handcrafting materials for her artworks. Inspired by the natural environment, Kerunen’s artwork incorporates materials such as raffia, banana fiber, stripped sorghum stems, reeds, and palm leaves.

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