PM8 / Francisco Salas Gallery

PM8/Francisco Salas is a dynamic international project that launched in early 2012. At the heart of this project is a commitment to curatorial excellence, which includes extensive research, writing, production, and ongoing collaboration between the gallery and its artists. This approach ensures a creative and artistic atmosphere that prioritizes quality and authenticity.

However, PM8/Francisco Salas is not just a gallery but a social frame, creating a quasi-private and quasi-public space for diverse encounters and discussions about the rituals of making, displaying, and consuming art. The gallery is dedicated to presenting projects that offer critical thinking through art, building a unique identity for the gallery. These projects aim to explore the roots of each exhibition process, while also examining the connections between art and society.

In short, PM8/Francisco Salas is an ambitious and thought-provoking project that strives to create an engaging and meaningful platform for contemporary art. It is a space where artistic excellence and critical thinking are paramount, and where audiences are invited to explore the many facets of contemporary art and its relationship to the world we inhabit.

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  • Location
  • Vigo, 36201, based in Vilnius with a physical address in Pablo Morillo 8 Bajo