About the Artwork


Yuki Katsura, also known as Katsura Yukiko, was a Japanese artist who worked from the pre-war to post-war periods. Over her 60-year career, Katsura experimented with various artistic genres and styles, including painting, mixed media collage, and caricature. Her subjects ranged from folkloric allegory to religious iconography, realism, and abstraction, reflecting her training in both Japanese and Western painting traditions, a rare accomplishment for a woman during her time. Katsura's work responded to critical socio-political events in mid-century Japan, such as societal expectations for Japanese women, the militarization of Japan, the post-war occupation, the rise of nuclear power, and gender equality. Her diverse approaches and personal autonomy gained her critical acclaim, earning her the title of a "pioneer among women artists." Katsura's influence extended to the genesis of the Japanese avant-garde both before and after the Asia Pacific War.

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