About the Artwork Gaston Chaissac Sainte Florence Robert Doisneau
© Photo by Robert Doisneau

Gaston Chaissac

Gaston Chaissac was a French artist who is associated with the Art Brut or Outsider Art movement. He was born in Vendée, France, and worked as a farmer and factory worker for most of his life before turning to art in the 1940s.

Chaissac's art is characterized by its childlike simplicity and its use of found materials such as old pieces of wood, tin cans, and other scrap materials. He often created whimsical sculptures and collages that incorporated everyday objects and found materials, and his work was deeply influenced by his rural upbringing and his interest in folk art.

Despite his lack of formal training, Chaissac's work was highly regarded by the Surrealists and other avant-garde artists of his time, and he was included in numerous exhibitions throughout his career. Today, his work is celebrated for its unpretentious charm and its ability to capture the spirit of the French countryside and its people. Chaissac's legacy continues to inspire artists working in the Outsider Art tradition, and his work is highly sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts.

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