
Toshiyuki Inoko founded teamLab in 2001. teamLab is an international art collective based on interdisciplinary collaboration among various specialists, including artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, and architects. The collective aims to explore the relationship between the self and the world through art.

teamLab's Art Style

teamLab's practice navigates the intersection of art, science, technology, and the natural world. To understand the world, people often divide it into separate entities with perceived boundaries. teamLab aims to transcend these boundaries in our perception of the world, the relationship between the self and the environment, and the continuity of time. They emphasize that everything exists within a long, fragile, yet miraculous, borderless continuity of life.

In each unique installation, teamLab seeks to alter the viewer's perception of space using technology. The collective employs light, sound, kinetics, and even smell to immerse the viewer in their fabricated world.

teamLab also creates digital artwork based on the concept of borderlessness, integrating advanced technologies. Their exhibitions, powered by EPSON digital technology, aim to reveal the relationship between nature and artificial creations, immersing participants in an interactive world.

Leveraging the infinite possibilities of digital technology, teamLab's art aims to transcend physical confines, allowing artworks to be as expansive and imaginative as the creator envisions. Beyond utilizing the digital realm, teamLab also draws from history, incorporating a wide range of influences from both traditional and contemporary forms of representation and performance.

Exhibitions of teamLab's works

Recent solo exhibitions include "teamLab: The World of Irreversible Change" at Pace Gallery in New York (2024), "Borderless" at Azabudai Hills in Tokyo (2024), "Impermanent Flowers Floating in an Eternal Sea" at Farol Santander São Paulo in Sao Paulo (2023), "Digitized Fukuyama Castle" at Fukuyama Castle in Hiroshima (2022), "Impermanent Flowers Floating in a Continuous Sea" at  Kumu Art Museum in Tallinn (2022), "The World of Irreversible Change" at Martin Browne Contemporary in Sydney (2022), and many more.

teamLab's works can be found in the permanent collections of several prestigious institutions, including the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, the Art Gallery of South Australia in Adelaide, the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, the Asia Society Museum in New York, the Borusan Contemporary Art Collection in Istanbul, the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, and Amos Rex in Helsinki.

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  • Years:

    Born in 2001

  • Country:

    Japan, Tokyo