Fred Wilson

Fred Wilson, born in 1954 in the Bronx, New York, is acclaimed for his interdisciplinary practice, which challenges assumptions about history, culture, race, and display conventions. By reframing objects and cultural symbols, he alters traditional interpretations, prompting viewers to rethink social and historical narratives.

Fred Wilson's Art Style

Wilson's early work focused on marginalized histories, examining how systems of categorization, collecting, and display reflect fraught ideologies and power dynamics embedded within institutions. His groundbreaking exhibition, "Mining the Museum" (1992) at the Maryland Historical Society, significantly altered museum exhibition narratives by making visible hidden structures built into the museum system and American society as a whole.

At the turn of the twenty-first century, Wilson began focusing more on object-based work, notably collaborating with glassblower Dante Marioni to produce ambiguous black-colored glass forms. Wilson continued his exploration of glass with "Speak of Me As I Am," his exhibition for the United States pavilion at the 2003 Venice Biennale.

Fred Wilson's body of work spans sculpture, painting, photography, collage, printmaking, and installation. He is internationally acclaimed for his conceptual practice, which subverts perception to expose the underlying currents of historical discourse, ownership, and privilege normalized by institutional practices.

Exhibitions of Wilson's Works

Fred Wilson has exhibited his works widely. Notable solo exhibitions include "Dramatis Personae" at Pace Gallery in Los Angeles (2023), "Mind Forged Manacles/Manacle Forged Minds" at Columbus Park in Brooklyn (2022), "OMNISCIENCE: A Sculpture by Fred Wilson" at The Gibbes Museum of Art in Charleston (2022), "Flags" at Krakow Witkin Gallery in Boston (2021), and many more.

Wilson's works have been featured in numerous group exhibitions, including "For What It’s Worth: Value Systems in Art since 1960" at The Warehouse in Dallas (2024), "Unmasking Venice: American Artists and the City of Water" at Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown (2022), "What Are You Looking At? An Eccentric Chorus of Artists Working In Glass" at Museum of Glass inTacoma (2021), among others. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1954

  • Country:

    United States of America, Bronx, New York