Tatsuo Miyajima

Tatsuo Miyajima stands as a leading sculptor and installation artist in Japan. His creations often integrate digital LED counters, exploring the essence and relevance of time and space.

Biography of Tatsuo Miyajima

Tatsuo Miyajima was born in 1957 in Edogawa City, Tokyo. He completed his undergraduate studies in the Oil Painting program within the Fine Arts department at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1984, followed by earning his MA from the same university in 1986.

In 1990, he resided in New York City through a grant provided by the Asian Cultural Council. From 1990 to 1991, he lived in Berlin after receiving a grant from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).

In 1998, Tatsuo Miyajima was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of the Arts London. In 2006, he was appointed as Vice President of the Tohoku University of Art and Design, assuming a significant role in the academic and administrative leadership of the institution. In 2012, he became the Vice President of the Kyoto University of Art & Design. Miyajima held both positions until 2016.

His recent solo exhitions include "Life Face on Gold" at Akio Nagasawa Gallery Ginza in Tokyo (2023), "Infinite Numeral" at Gallery BATON in Seoul (2023), "Numerical Beads Painting" at SCAI THE BATHHOUSE in Tokyo (2023), "TIME" at Het Noordbrabants Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch (2022), "Tatsuo Miyajima: Art in You" at Lisson Gallery in London (2022), and many more. 

Tatsuo Miyajima has also participated in numerous group exhibitions, including "WORLD CLASSROOM: Contemporary Art through School Subjects" at Mori Art Museum in Tokyo (2023), "What Matters: A Proposition in Eight Rooms" at SFMOMA in San Francisco (2023), "CHAOS: CALM Bangkok Art Biennale" at Museum Siam in Bangkok (2022), "Time Tunnel – Japan and the Jews" at Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art in Haifa (2022), among others. 

Tatsuo Miyajima's Art Style

While initially trained as a painter and briefly identified as a performance artist, Miyajima's artistic focus has shifted predominantly towards installation and sculpture, marking a significant evolution in his creative expression.

During the 1970s, Miyajima delved into performance art. Initially inspired by the creations of Joseph Beuys, Allan Kaprow, and Christo, he viewed his performances as acts aimed at societal impact. However, the desire to produce lasting creations, unlike the inherently transient nature of performances, drove him towards sculptural and installation endeavors.

Miyajima's highly technological artistry revolves around his utilization of digital light-emitting diode (LED) counters, which he refers to as 'gadgets,' dating back to the late 1980s. His inaugural LED counter creation in 1988 has served as the cornerstone for many of his subsequent works.

Usually, each block exhibits two digits, either in red or green, counting from 1 to 9. These digits flash continuously and repetitively, though not always in sequential order, symbolizing the passage from life to death. The concept of finality is epitomized by '0' or zero, which intriguingly never materializes in his creations. This philosophy draws from humanist ideals, Buddhist teachings, and his fundamental artistic principles: 'Keep Changing,' 'Connect with Everything,' and 'Continue Forever.'  

Time connects everything. I want people to think about the universe and the human spirit.
Tatsuo Miyajima
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