Stephen Haley

Based in Melbourne, Stephen Haley is a painter and digital media artist with a substantial exhibition history, both nationally and internationally.

Stephen Haley's Art Style

Stephen Haley connects the findings of the Renaissance with the contemporary era. His exploration begins with the fundamental concept of the vanishing point and central perspective, a cornerstone in the development of the modern, technology-dominated world of imagery. The early Renaissance vedute, capturing spatially well-ordered cities with a discerning eye, serves as the historical backdrop against which Haley constructs his contemporary narrative.  

Through the lens of 3D technology, he masterfully creates seductive illusions that seamlessly blend with repetitions and insertions of real urban panoramas. The result is a visual art of interstice, revealing the well-organized basic themes of the worlds in which we live and work today.

Referred to as "virtual photographs," Stephen Haley's works represent a scientific and visually profound commentary on current and future developments. His exploration extends beyond the canvas, delving into concepts of society and reflection, offering viewers a unique perspective on the interplay between the real and the simulated.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1961

  • Country:

    Australia, Melbourne

  • Gallery:
