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Sofia Berakha

Sofia Berakha is a painter born in 1984 in Buenos Aires. Her paintings explore the dialogue between abstraction and figuration, using the construction of an image by addition, starting from a void until gradually forming recognizable objects and spaces. Berakha's work is characterized by grid-like surfaces, surrealist patterns, and city landscapes that dissolve into each other.

Her most recent works focus on mothers and their babies in urban scenes where city landscapes serve as the stage for potential conflicts, with everything being built up through layers of billboards, fences, buildings, cars, and people. In these paintings, intimacy is corrupted and becomes social, going against the traditional portrayal of the mother-offspring relationship as a separate, reserved, interior world outside the public.

Berakha's paintings incorporate postcards, textiles, chains, pockets, and other accessories, which extend beyond the limits of the canvas and integrate into the painting, highlighting the role of painting as information and its search for objecthood. She has had solo exhibitions at various galleries, including Tartán at Lodos in Mexico City (2022), Paintings Arranged at 3rd Floor Berlin (2019), Autopartes at Aldo de Sousa Gallery in Buenos Aires (2018), and Melodrama Panorama at Big Sur Gallery in Buenos Aires (2016).

Berakha studied in the Artists Program at Torcuato Di Tella University in Buenos Aires (2012) and in the Master of Arts program in the class of Jutta Koether at Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg (2018). She currently lives and works in Buenos Aires and Berlin and is also a co-founder of Fantazia, an artist-run project space in Buenos Aires.

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