Richard Gorman

Richard Gorman is celebrated for his vibrant paintings and works on paper, which explore the dynamic interplay between geometric forms.

Biography of Richard Gorman

Richard Gorman was born in 1946 in Dublin, Ireland. He received his education at Trinity College, Dublin, graduating in 1969, and later attended Dún Laoghaire School of Art & Design in 1980.

Throughout his career, Gorman has received numerous awards, grants, and accolades. Among them are the Savills Art Prize from VUE (2015), the Culture Ireland Grant for solo exhibitions at Mitaka City Gallery of Art, Tokyo (2010), and the Pollock-Krasner Award (1995). 

Richard Gorman has exhibited his art widely. Recent solo exhibitions include "Living through paint(ing)" at The Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin (2023), "dalkey 2" at Kerlin Gallery in Dublin (2022), "dalkey" at Kerlin Gallery in Dublin (2020), "At Home" at Oscar Humphries Gallery in London (2019), "Keijo / Emotional Geometry" at Chigasaki Museum in Japan (2019), and many more.

Additionally, Gorman's works have been featured in numerous group shows held at various galleries and museums worldwide, including Royal Hibernian Academy in Dublin, Monteverita in Paris, Yanagisawa Gallery in Tokyo, Galleria Corraini in Mantova, Fenton Gallery in Cork, Der Spiegel Galerie in Cologne, among others. 

Currently, the artist divides his time between Dublin (Irealnd) and Milan (Italy). 

Richard Gorman's Art Style

Richard Gorman's art is characterized by offbeat shapes that seem to float, wiggle, or collide with each other, evoking a sense of movement and vitality. This dynamic is enhanced by a striking color palette, ranging from meditative blues to vibrant acid tones.

Gorman's approach to painting is deeply influenced by his experiences and the places he has visited. Milan, where he has lived intermittently for many years, and Japan, home to the family-run paper factory where he produces his handmade kozo washi paper, have been significant sources of inspiration. His works on paper are noted for their delicacy and fragility, contrasting with the robustness of his oils on canvas. Both mediums, however, draw their power from the compositional tension between boldly simplified blocks of color, demonstrating Gorman's mastery in balancing form and color.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1946

  • Country:

    Ireland, Dublin