About the Artwork F Levi Renee Portr Ramst.jpeg

Renée Levi

Biography of Renée Levi

Renée Levi has dedicated over three decades to unraveling the mysteries of painting as a medium. Born in Istanbul in 1960 and nurtured in the scenic landscapes of Aargau, Levi's artistic exploration finds its roots in architecture, with her initial studies at the HTL Muttenz/Basel. Subsequently, her creative journey led her to the Zurich School of Art and Design, where she delved deeper into the realms of color, paint application, the corporeality of the medium, and its spatial dimensions.

Levi has forged a significant artistic partnership with Marcel Schmid since 1998. 

Levi's artistic tapestry extends beyond the confines of galleries, making a mark in public spaces as well. Notably, she emerged triumphant in the public art competition for the Parliament Building in Bern, Switzerland, with the completion of the project slated for 2023. This achievement stands alongside numerous accolades, including the Prix de la Société des Arts de Genève, Arts Visuel, in 2019, and the prestigious Prix Meret Oppenheim in 2002.

Renée Levi's Significant Exhibitions

Renée Levi's solo exhibitions have been held at prestigious venues like Villa du Parc in Annemasse (2021), Musée d’Art, Histoire et Archéologie d’Évreux (2020), and the Biennale de Lyon (2019), among others.

Participating in a multitude of group exhibitions, Levi's work has left an indelible imprint on renowned institutions such as MAMCO in Geneva (2021), Istituto Svizzero Rome (2019), and Kunstverein Munich (2015). Her dynamic presence in the art scene is further solidified by her professorship in fine arts and painting at FHNW/HGK Basel, a role she has passionately embraced since 2001.

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