About the Artwork Dennisadam

Dennis Adams

Dennis Adams is best known for his urban interventions and museum installations that uncover historical and sociopolitical undercurrents in photography, cinema, and architecture. He has created site-specific interventions in urban spaces across cities worldwide.

Biography of Dennis Adams

Dennis Adams was born in 1948 in Des Moines, Iowa, US. Since 1980, he has completed over fifty urban projects in cities worldwide, ranging from Antwerp to Zagreb.

His early work is comprehensively documented in the monograph "Dennis Adams: The Architecture of Amnesia" (1989). Starting in 1998, Adams began to explore video and social engagement, producing projects like "OUTTAKE" (1999), "Makedown" (2004), "Spill" (2009), and most recently, "Malraux's Shoes" (2012).

Dennis Adams has served as a faculty member or Visiting Professor at various institutions, including the Parsons School of Design, École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam, and the Akademie der Bildenden Kunst in Munich. Additionally, from 1997 to 2004, he held the position of Director of the Visual Arts Program in the School of Architecture at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

His work has been featured in more than seventy-five solo exhibitions across museums and galleries in North America and Europe, including prestigious venues such as The Museum of Modern Art in New York, MHKA in Antwerp, The Kitchen in New York, De Appel Foundation in Amsterdam, and The Queens Museum of Art in New York. Additionally, many of his works are housed in public collections.

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