About the Artwork 1655294163368 Image 3

Puppies Puppies (Jade Guanaro Kuriki-Olivo)

Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki-Olivo) is an American conceptual, performance, and installation artist known for her provocative work that explores themes of identity, gender, and power. Born in 1989 in Dallas, Texas, and based in Los Angeles, Puppies Puppies received her BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2012, as well as Yale University's MFA program. 

Born to a Japanese mother and Puerto Rican father, Puppies Puppies' identity as a mixed-race artist is a recurring theme in her work. She often uses her body as a site of exploration, addressing societal norms and conventions through her performances. She is also known for her use of unconventional materials and mediums, such as live animals, food, and found objects, to create thought-provoking and sometimes controversial artworks. Her work challenges and expands the boundaries of art, confronting and engaging viewers in new ways of thinking and perceiving the world.

Puppies Puppies' recent exhibitions have been held at prestigious galleries and institutions around the world, including Halle für Kunst in Luneberg, Barbara Weiss in Berlin, XYZ Collective in Tokyo, What Pipeline in Detroit, and Overduin & Co. in Los Angeles. Her work has been featured in notable art events such as the 2017 Whitney Biennial, the 9th Berlin Biennale, and the X Nicaraguan Biennale.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1989

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles