About the Artwork

Oscar Oiwa

Oscar Oiwa is a Brazilian-Japanese artist born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1965. He is best known for his large-scale immersive installations and murals, which often explore themes of identity, memory, and displacement. Oiwa's works often incorporate bold, graphic elements and surreal imagery, blurring the line between reality and the imagination. Oiwa studied at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo before moving to Tokyo, Japan in 1989. He worked there as an illustrator and graphic designer for several years before dedicating himself full-time to his art practice.  In 2003, he moved to New York City, where he continues to live and work today. Oiwa's work has been exhibited internationally, including at the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, the São Paulo Biennial, and the Whitney Biennial in New York. He has also created public murals in cities around the world, including São Paulo, New York, and Paris.

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