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Oleg Kulik

Oleg Kulik is a Ukrainian-born artist who was born in Kyiv in 1961. He is known for his controversial and provocative performance art, which often explores themes of power, sexuality, and human-animal relationships.

Kulik's performances often involve him assuming the role of a dog, barking, crawling on all fours, and interacting with the audience. His work challenges the boundaries of performance art and the relationship between the performer and the viewer, often leaving audiences feeling uncomfortable and uneasy.

Kulik has exhibited his artwork in galleries and museums around the world, including the Venice Biennale, the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, and the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. He has also been awarded numerous prizes for his work, including the Kandinsky Prize for Contemporary Art in 2008.

In addition to his performance art, Kulik is also a painter and sculptor, and his work often incorporates themes from his performance art. His multidisciplinary approach to art and his willingness to push boundaries has earned him both critical acclaim and controversy in the contemporary art world.

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