Noah Jemisin

Noah Jemisin's artistic philosophy is a unique blend of diverse influences, synthesizing the various components of his identity into a dynamic whole. His work seeks to unravel the complexities of his personal history while navigating the ambiguities and contradictions of contemporary culture. A masterful storyteller, Noah Jemisin weaves critical experiences, profound knowledge, and a genuine admiration for art historical precedents into the fabric of his creations.

Biography of Noah Jemisin

Born in Birmingham, AL, Noah Jemisin embarked on a creative journey that has taken him across continents, earning an MFA degree from the University of Iowa in 1974. His extensive travels through Africa, Europe, and Asia have not only broadened his horizons but have also deeply influenced his approach to life and art.

One of the highlights of Noah Jemisin's illustrious career was his inclusion in the highly anticipated exhibition, "Just Above Midtown: Changing Spaces," at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. The exhibition paid homage to JAM, an art gallery that welcomed artists and visitors from diverse generations and races in New York City from 1974 to 1986.

Noah Jemisin's impact extends beyond galleries and exhibitions; his works have found a home in numerous public and private collections. From the Metropolitan Museum in New York to the Library of Congress in Washington DC, the Museum of Art at the University of Iowa, the Montclair Museum of Art, the Museum of Santa Fe in New Mexico, to the Miami-Dade Public Library in Florida – Jemisin's art has left an indelible mark.

Acknowledged for his artistic contributions, Jemisin has received prestigious awards, including recognition from the New York Foundation for the Arts and the Pollock-Krasner Foundation. His artistic residency at The Studio Museum in Harlem and The Bronx River Art Gallery, Bronx, New York, further solidifies his status as a distinguished artist.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1943

  • Country:

    United States of America, Birmingham, Alabama

  • Gallery:

    Skoto Gallery