Peter Wayne Lewis

Peter Wayne Lewis's creations are influenced by his oscillation between and absorption of values and aesthetics from both the East and the West.

Biography of Peter Wayne Lewis

Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Peter Wayne Lewis's artistic odyssey found its roots in the vibrant culture of the Caribbean before flourishing in the diverse landscapes of the United States.

In 1962, Peter Wayne Lewis immigrated to Sacramento, California, alongside his parents, marking the beginning of a transformative chapter in his life. Fast forward to 1983, and Lewis proudly became an American citizen, solidifying his connection to the ever-evolving tapestry of the United States. His academic pursuits led him to obtain a Master of Arts in Painting from San Jose State University in California, setting the stage for a prolific career in the realm of visual arts.

For 25 years, Peter Wayne Lewis served as a tenured Professor of Painting at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. Notably, he also assumed the role of Chairman of the Department, leaving an indelible mark on the academic landscape. Beyond the confines of the classroom, Peter Wayne Lewis maintains a dynamic studio practice.

The global resonance of Peter Wayne Lewis's art is evident in his extensive exhibition history. His creations have graced galleries and art spaces across the United States, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, and Asia. Recent solo exhibitions, such as the one at The Delaware Contemporary in Wilmington, DE (2019-2020), showcase the breadth and depth of his artistic prowess.

Peter Wayne Lewis's Art Style

Peter Wayne Lewis's body of work stands as a testament to the convergence of American and Asian painting traditions, presenting a compelling case for cross-cultural aesthetics in an era marked by the ever-increasing forces of globalization. The harmony that permeates Peter Wayne Lewis's canvases is not without its interruptions. Dissonance, in protean forms, punctuates the overall balance, creating a visual dialogue that resonates with the viewer.

Eschewing representation, Peter Wayne Lewis's works become expressions of his quest to manifest the omnipresent energies underpinning scientific concepts like String Theory. In his artistic vocabulary, paint becomes the vehicle through which he crystallizes considerations of physics, spirituality, and the improvisational nature of jazz music. The works exist in a dynamic space where harmonious arrangements coexist with chaos, challenging the comforts of pattern and balance on a visual plane where entropy holds sway. The ultimate resolution – whether harmony or chaos emerges victorious – is a narrative left to the discerning viewer.

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