About the Artwork 07 B4 C C46 6686 4 A6 a a F5 E 8266594 C B493

Neo Rauch

Neo Rauch (born 1960) is a German painter known for his distinctive style that blends elements of Surrealism, Pop Art, and Social Realism. Rauch's works often depict dreamlike scenes that are populated by enigmatic figures, industrial landscapes, and fragmented narratives.

Rauch's paintings are characterized by their use of bold, vibrant colors and their complex, multi-layered compositions. His work often combines figurative and abstract elements, creating a sense of visual and narrative tension.

Rauch's upbringing in East Germany and his experience of living through the fall of the Berlin Wall have had a significant impact on his work. Many of his paintings reflect a sense of dislocation and ambiguity, reflecting the upheaval and uncertainty of the post-communist era.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1960

  • Country:

    Germany, Leipzig