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Mitja Tušek

Mitja Tušek is a Slovenian artist born in 1961.  He is primarily known for his paintings, which often incorporate elements of abstraction and figuration to explore themes of memory, identity, and the natural world. Tušek's work is characterized by his use of bold colors, expressive brushwork, and layered compositions.

Tušek's artwork has been exhibited widely in Slovenia and internationally, including at the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana, the Bozar Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb. He has received several awards and honors throughout his career, including the Grand Prize at the 25th International Biennial of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana in 2003 and the Prešeren Foundation Award, Slovenia's highest artistic honor, in 2015.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1961

  • Country:

    Slovenia, Maribor