About the Artwork Miriam De Burca

Miriam de Búrca

Miriam De Búrca is an Irish artist born in Dublin in 1963. She is known for her mixed media works that explore themes of memory, identity, and the relationship between the natural world and human society.

De Búrca's early works were heavily influenced by her background in architecture and her interest in the built environment. However, over time, she began to incorporate natural elements such as plants, stones, and shells into her work, creating pieces that explored the tension between human-made structures and the organic world.

One of De Búrca's most notable works is her series "Tracing the Line," which features intricate drawings overlaid with delicate layers of organic materials such as petals and leaves. These works reflect De Búrca's interest in the connections between the natural and built environments, and they have been exhibited in galleries and museums throughout Ireland and beyond.

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