Miguel Chevalier

Miguel Chevalier's expansive artistic vision has been influenced by his diverse education and extensive travel experiences.

Biography of Miguel Chevalier

Miguel Chevalier was born in Mexico City, Mexico, in 1959. He graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1980 and continued his studies at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. Chevalier furthered his education with a Lavoisier Scholarship at the Pratt Institute in New York. In 1994, he was an artist in residence at the Kujoyama Villa in Kyoto, Japan.

Since 1978, he has focused exclusively on computer-based art, establishing himself as a pioneer in virtual and digital art. His work is recognized internationally, and he continues to be a significant figure in contemporary art. Chevalier lives and works in Paris, France.

Miguel Chevalier's Art Style

Miguel Chevalier's art is characterized by its experimental and multidisciplinary approach. He reformulates historical art references through computer tools, exploring themes such as nature versus artifice, flows and networks, and virtual cities. His works often feature ornate designs and offer insights into human perception and our relationship with the world.

Chevalier's practice includes generative and interactive art, incorporating virtual reality installations, LED and LCD screens, 3D-printed sculptures, and holographic imagery. His projects are displayed in museums, art centers, galleries, and public spaces globally. His innovative use of digital tools and interactive media positions him at the forefront of contemporary art.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1959

  • Country:

    Mexico, Mexico City