Martin Creed

Martin Creed's whimsical and seemingly straightforward artwork delves into the boundary between art and the everyday aspects of life.

Biography of Martin Creed

Martin Creed was born in 1968 in Wakefield, Yorkshire, and raised in Glasgow from the age of three. He studied at the Slade School of Fine Art in London from 1986 to 1990. 

In 2001, Creed received the Turner Prize for his provocative piece, "Work No. 227: The lights going on and off" (2000). In 2011, he exhibited at both the Singapore Biennale and the Folkestone Triennial.

His recent solo exhibitions include "Martin Creed: I don't know what art is" at Museum für Konkrete Kunst in Ingolstadt (2024), "Martin Creed: Step Paintings" at Hauser & Wirth in St. Moritz (2023), "Colección Jumex: Martin Creed" at Museo Jumex in Mexico City (2023), and many more.

Creed's works have been featured in numerous group exhibitions held at various venues worldwide, including Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Ackland Art Museum, Fundació Joan Miró, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Schlossgut Schwante Sculpture Park, among others.

Currently, the artist lives and works in London.

Martin Creed's Art Style

Martin Creed's art style is marked by a blend of conceptualism and minimalism. His multidisciplinary practice spans installation, performance, sound art, sculpture, painting, and drawing. Creed's works are known for their playful simplicity, often blurring the lines between art and everyday objects.

After completing his undergraduate degree, Creed grew disillusioned with painting, finding it restrictive to his artistic expression. He took a hiatus from painting that lasted several years.

In the late 1990s, he embarked on an experimental path. His work became deeply conceptual, characterized by simplicity. He created installations aimed at capturing visitors' attention and highlighting overlooked aspects of everyday life.

A notable aspect of his approach is labeling his artworks by numbers, giving each piece equal status regardless of its form or material. This method reflects his interest in exploring the tension between creating something and nothing.

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