About the Artwork Mark Ryden Tree Show 20070310 (cropped)

Mark Ryden

Mark Ryden (born 1963) is an American painter known for his highly detailed, surrealistic works that blend elements of pop art, kitsch, and classical painting techniques.

Ryden was born in Medford, Oregon, and studied at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. He emerged as a leading figure in the "Lowbrow" or "Pop Surrealism" art movement of the 1990s, which sought to merge elements of popular culture with fine art.

Ryden's paintings often feature wide-eyed, doll-like figures, along with references to vintage toys, religious iconography, and other pop culture artifacts. His works are known for their meticulous attention to detail and use of traditional painting techniques, such as glazing and underpainting.

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