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Jan-Ole Schiemann

Jan-Ole Schiemann is a German contemporary artist born in 1983 in Kiel. He studied Fine Art at Kassel Academy and later graduated from Duesseldorf College of Art under the teachings of Professor Andreas Schulze.

Schiemann has quickly become recognized as one of the most prominent young artists of his generation, exhibiting his works in Seoul, New York, and Los Angeles. His artistic style oscillates between abstract and figurative elements, utilizing a combination of comic drawings and constructed surfaces, gray values, and paint mist surfaces. He primarily uses black ink on unprimed canvas, and superimposes multiple transparent layers to create an unusual sense of depth in his works.

Jan-Ole Schiemann's exhibitions include a range of solo and group shows, exhibitions include "Griechenland" at Galerie Nagel Draxler in Berlin in 2017, "Funniest Guy on the Block" at Galerie Gebr. Lehmann in Dresden in 2018, and "Kavex" at Kasmin Gallery in New York in 2019. His most recent solo exhibition, "Gomos", was held at Galerie Gisela Capitain in Cologne in 2021.

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