About the Artwork Maria Berrio Studio

María Berrío

María Berrío is a contemporary Colombian artist who was born in Bogotá in 1982 and is currently based in Brooklyn, New York. She is known for her intricate, mixed-media works on paper that explore themes of identity, memory, and the experiences of women. Berrío's pieces often feature female figures, layered with colorful, dreamlike landscapes and intricate patterns, drawing inspiration from her own experiences and Colombian folklore.

Berrío received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2004 and her Master of Fine Arts from Hunter College in New York City in 2009. She has exhibited her work in numerous solo and group exhibitions, including at the Brooklyn Museum, the Pérez Art Museum Miami, and the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland. Her artwork can also be found in various public and private collections, including the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the Perez Art Museum Miami.

Berrío has been the recipient of several awards and honors, including the Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors Grant in 2019 and the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant in 2016. Her intricate works continue to captivate audiences around the world with their delicate and detailed beauty.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1982

  • Country:

    Colombia, Bogotá

  • Gallery: