About the Artwork 081719 Gallerie 0420 Webcover 1

Sophia Narrett

Sophia Narrett is an American artist born in 1987 in Concord, Massachusetts. She is known for her intricate and detailed embroidered works that often depict surreal and dreamlike narratives.

Narrett's works draw on a variety of influences, including pop culture, literature, and personal experiences, and use the traditional craft of embroidery to create contemporary and provocative works of art. Her works have been exhibited in galleries and museums throughout the United States, including the Brooklyn Museum, the Museum of Arts and Design in New York, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Her works have been described as both visually stunning and emotionally resonant, offering a unique perspective on contemporary embroidery and textile art.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1987

  • Country:

    United States of America, Concord, Massachusetts

  • Gallery: